Terra Verde Roastery
A dedicated organic roaster
At Terra Verde we pride in bringing the best quality coffee examples that represent the main coffee growing areas of the world. Each coffee is selected by very strict criteria:
1) The coffee has to be certified organic.
2) The coffee has to grade a minimum of 89 in the SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) grading scale.
3) The coffee has to come from a producer, co-op or organization that has a social, economical and environmental impact in the immediate area where it is produced.
Once the coffee samples are received they are roasted to initiate the internal evaluation. First each
sample is profiled. Profiling allows us to verify the quality and identify the sweet spot of that specific coffee sample. If and only if the sample passes this evaluation step, then we secure the coffee with the coffee growers or our buyers. Once we receive the first shipment of that years harvest then we repeat this process to verify that the coffee is maintaining the same quality on which it was selected.
Now that the coffee has passed all our checklists, it is ready for the first production roast. Since we did all the work to make sure that the coffee has met all our expectations, then we are confident our customers are going to love the coffee selection. But first, before it is offered to the anxiously awaiting customers we cup each roast to make sure that quality is consistent.
We offer coffee at several retail locations, including our stores. Wholesale coffee is also av
ailable for those businesses looking to offer something unique and delicious. We welcome everyone to come visit and watch us roast. It’s the best time to make sure that your coffee is going to be freshest off the roaster.